Tagore family's unique recipe – Stir fried Green Amaranth leaves with Rohu fish / Rui Maa6 diye notey shaak vajaa 3 pieces of Rohu fish (golden fried with salt and turmeric powder and after frying, make small pieces Remove think bones as much as possible) 1 bunch of fresh green amaranth leaves & stems (chopped & rinse it with water and drain the water) ½ tsp turmeric powder ½ tsp salt make a hot spices/garam masala paste with little water & 2 green cardamoms, 2 cinnamon sticks, a small piece of nutmeg) 2 bay leaves 4 green chilies ¼ tsp 5 spices / paanchforan Heat a dry pan and add chopped fresh green amaranth leaves & stems
Other side, mix little water with salt & turmeric powder and then add with greens Cover it on less medium flame till greens are boiled Now boiled greens are kept aside in a bowl Heat 2 tbsp mustard oil Add 5 spices / paanchforan 3 green chillies 2 bay leaves after frying, add boiled greens
Add fried fish pieces Mix all together and fry well on medium flame Add ¼ tsp sugar Add hot spices/garam masala paste and mix well Serve it with steamed rice
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