How to make cucumber kimchi using Min Jin Lee’s family recipe

Min Jin: Hi my name is Min Jin Lee Min Jin: and I'm the author of Panchinko Min Jin: and today we're here to do a really cool thing Min Jin: We're going to make kimchi Min Jin: with my mom

Mi Hwa: Hi Min Jin: So the first thing that we're going to do is make the salt Min Jin: bath And that sounds more complicated Min Jin: than it is It's just water Min Jin: and salt Min Jin: and you boil it Min Jin: Yeah

Mi Hwa: Three tablespoons of salt, Mi Hwa: yes Min Jin: So in the book there's a really Min Jin: important section when my main character Min Jin: needs money Min Jin: So she and her sister at the site Min Jin: sold kimchi in the streets Min Jin: And that idea came to me because Min Jin: women around the world who are poor Min Jin: and illiterate who have very little basis for capital Min Jin: will usually make food Min Jin: and sell it Min Jin: You will have 16 pieces because eight times two Min Jin: is sixteen

And I'm a writer Min Jin: and I can do that much math Min Jin: And I wanted to ask my mother before Min Jin: why she cuts it this way Min Jin: because I thought maybe she could cut it this way Min Jin: She said no it's more stable so you don't cut your Min Jin: hands Min Jin: So safety is first Mi Hwa: It's very cheap now

Season While Mi Hwa: I'm waiting for the boiling Mi Hwa: water Yes Mi Hwa: I have to prepare for the Mi Hwa: Chinese cabbage Mi Hwa: And just cut

Min Jin: The ends? Min Jin: And you're going to have about one Min Jin: and a half cups of Chinese chives Min Jin: that you will need for the stuffing for the cucumbers Min Jin: And there's also a theory in Korea Min Jin: that if men like this it makes Min Jin: them more virile, just Min Jin: saying Min Jin: I don't know if this is true Min Jin: But if you eat Chinese chives Mi Hwa: It's really true

Mi Hwa: Because my grndmother, my mother's side Yes, Mi Hwa: all the time Mi Hwa: I like this one Mi Hwa: When I was in young Mi Hwa: Yes

Mi Hwa: I ask my grandma Mi Hwa: I like to eat this Mi Hwa: And then grandmother said no no give Mi Hwa: to your father Min Jin: Because nice girls don't eat Buchu Mi Hwa: I think so

That's the why my grandma Mi Hwa: said this Min Jin: That's what grandma said so I don't argue Min Jin: with this Min Jin: But women are allowed to eat it Min Jin: too Min Jin: If you look at the cucumber kimchi recipes Min Jin: around not everybody does this Min Jin: because of all the views boiling water Min Jin: for cucumbers in the Chola Min Jin: region of South Korea Min Jin: This is what they do

Min Jin: But this is actually a more effective way of doing Min Jin: it We tried it all different ways Min Jin: Right now she's cutting the Min Jin: scullions Min Jin: Right now we have scallion, Min Jin: chives and onion together Min Jin: So you take rice flour Min Jin: like this, Min Jin: which makes it gluten free

Min Jin: But if you have all purpose flour that's fine Min Jin: too So you can use this Min Jin: or you could use something like this Min Jin: and you add Min Jin: one tablespoon of rice powder, Min Jin: rice flour, three tablespoons Min Jin: of water and Min Jin: mix Min Jin: So you add the slurry into this Min Jin: soh mixture This is called Min Jin: oi soh bahgi Min Jin: So oi means cucumber

Min Jin: Soh is the content Min Jin: or the dressing and bahgi just means it's the Min Jin: verb, which just means to stuff Min Jin: How much ginger is that? Mi Hwa: About one tablespoon Mi Hwa: This kimchi does not need lots of spice All my Mi Hwa: life I cook for my husband, Mi Hwa: my children Min Jin: There you go

Thank you Min Jin: I really appreciate that Mi Hwa: And garlic Min Jin: So you make the soh now? Min Jin: Yeah Min Jin: I mean Min Jin: I love garlic Min Jin: and Min Jin: fish sauce

Min Jin: It's already been pre-measured, so how much Min Jin: fish? Two tablespoons of fish sauce And Gochugaru This Min Jin: is two full, heaping tablespoons I Min Jin: think we are ready to Min Jin: I think you are ready

Min Jin: Is it time for the gloves? Min Jin: Yes Min Jin: Stir it very, very well Mi Hwa: OK Mi Hwa: See that? Yes Mi Hwa: And Mi Hwa: hold this way

Mi Hwa: About one table Mi Hwa: one tablespoon of Mi Hwa: amount just to put it inside Mi Hwa: to this way and the other way Mi Hwa: and then hold it Min Jin: This about half a cup of water? Mi Hwa: Little bit Even less than half Good, that's Mi Hwa: enough Min Jin: And a pinch salt

Min Jin: Very very little liquid in this kimchi Min Jin: recipe Min Jin: And kimchi's a really special thing in my family Min Jin: because kimchi one of the most important things Min Jin: that defines Korea Min Jin: And I love it Min Jin: It's really good Min Jin: We have one more piece to go

Min Jin: Did you hear that? Yes You hear that crunch? Min Jin: That's high quality crunching Min Jin: Thank you for joining us


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