hey guys welcome back to my channel it's even skeletal and another day of eating ketogenic diet you saw I had for lunch just the two faces of bacon two scrambled eggs with one tablespoon of Kerrygold butter and half of an avocado this lunch altogether had 437 calories 21 grams of protein 3 net carbs and 37 grams of fat that's time for some snack I had taste for something sweet so I just chopped myself three strawberries and I got 18 roasted almonds so I'm gonna snack on that this snack has 140 calories for net carbs 11 grams of fat and 5 grams of protein well I just dropped all the almonds off the cutting board so sometimes I'm just trying to make it look pretty but it's not really practical clumsy girl well Casey wants to say hello today hi baby she wants to play a little soccer you wanna play soccer do you wanna play soccer yeah what team you're playing oh yeah go time for dinner I've decided I'm gonna make some fun less homemade burgers and we gonna barbecue I'm gonna use the whole pound I'm gonna make more burgers and keep them in the freezer I've chopped about half of a small on the end I'm adding it in adding salt adding pepper adding a little bit of liquid smoke little of smoked paprika about a teaspoon of onion powder and today a teaspoon of garlic powder and now I'm gonna form for burgers about size of my palm so I've got four burgers I'm gonna fridge to and I prepared some tomatoes and some pickles and some what is almost forgot and some cheese well homemade burger was amazing it had about 350 calories and 20 grams of fat now I'm just sipping on this amazing drink as it's almost fourth of July this is truly is a spiked sparkling water it has hundred calories and about one gram of sugar and cards so it's pretty good to drink when you're ketogenic diet I actually made the whole video about if you can drink alcoholic beverages on ketogenic diet I'm gonna link it in a description down below so you can go check that out if you interested and I hoped you enjoyed today's video if you did please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and I'm gonna see you again tomorrow bye you