Cheap and Delicious One Pot Meal – Beans and Rice

>> (Emma) Hi and welcome back to Escapades with Emma I'm Emma as you may have gathered, and today we are doing a yummy, wholesome, delicious, and cheap meal, being taught to us by Maggie

Hi Maggie You're welcome internet! >> (Maggie) I'm not as good on the camera as she is I'm your roommate We've been roommates for two years I like to cook

a lota lot of the times its on a budget So I make food that's cheap but also very tasty >> (Emma) One of the only ways that I can probably save a lot more money is eating out and well, just eating at home >> (Maggie)Put on the pan, and turn the pan on >>(Emma) How high, medium high? >>(Maggie) Medium high >>( Emma) The jalapeno has been sweating away and I think just about ready, I'm starting to be able to smell it

This is a dump and go kind of situation we have on the go here So first, tomatoes We need about 1/2 a cup of chicken stock >>(Maggie) Oh VinnyFilming with a kitty! Quarter teaspoon of cumin

Quarter teaspoon each of the garlic and onion Whole teaspoon of paprika You can put a heaping teaspoon 2 heaping teaspoons of chili powder Your beans and corn

And the honey, and stir it, cover it, and come back in like 15 or 20 minutes Just a drizzle over the top, it will probably end up being like a teaspoon or so It cuts the tartness of the tomatoes That's good >>(Emma) Oh! That was weird! It was still spicy from touching the stuff, but there was honey on it

I don't know, it was kind of delicious >>(Maggie) yep Hi Vinny

Yep, you're really cute >> (Emma) Check it out Now we cover it >>(Maggie) so wait, put it on 15 minutes and we'll check it until the rice is done >>(Emma) 15 minutes is up

Let us see what we are dealing with So looks good, it smells flipping amazing just leave it off to steam now? >>(Maggie) Yeah, for 5 minutes until all the liquid gets absorbed >>(Emma) Yeah that rice has got to puff up a bit This rice had better been done soon

Because it's smelling redonkulously good (Singing) It looks more and more delicious by the moment! I'm incredibly picky about textures And rice and beans is never something that I've gotten right Because I've always found it to be "gloppy" Maggie and me were just discussing the fact that this rice that I used, is the solution to gloppiness

It's the time-wise , Dainty stuff It cooks in 15 minutes So it's been another 5 or 6 minutes A little fork full To test how the rice is

See if it's done I'm gonna burn my mouth, I just know it Yup, the rice has still got a bit of crunch to it But Now just letting it cook with cover off There are a few adjustments you can make if you do prefer it to be a little more moist You can add a bit more of the broth or a little bit more water If you do something like you added too much broth or too much salt in the beginning You can add more water at the end to dilute it

>>(Emma) Just let it cook off >>(Maggie) Just let it cook off In this case if you get to a dry pan and it's still not dry enough, obviously add more water hehe But it's hard to mess up this rice 'Cause you just keep adding a little

You can put the cover back on and steam it 5 minutes It's a very forgiving recipe >>(Emma) It's been a few more minutes Let us unveil OHH! Yeyayaya It is looking

T-o-ight! Look at that

look at that! Did you enjoy our cooking lesson(unintelligible) our cooking lesson with Maggie?! It you'd like more videos like this, or you'd like a certain dish, or you have , you know a few ingredients and you want to come up with a "Chopped Challenge" for this little luv, let us know in the comments below Trust me, you wish there was smell-o-vision right now

hot, Hot, HOT! Bye! Thanks for watching If you liked it please subscribe for more content like this By clicking here Take a look at some of my travel videos by clicking here or here or tapping



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