The community for truthers is growing crazy fast i can't keep it up "who post what" anymore Latest recent awesome and very funny member, a die hard truther is the user FutureProblemSolver, nice username
You are invited to join the community for truthers at lionsgroundcom and share what's on your mind without being ridiculed The pharmacy industry will hate me what i If i may explain in plain English: I have been experimenting with healthy alternative organic stuff in order to create a cheap recipe made out of an "Army strong anti deceases troops that will hunt down every unwanted terrorist cell in your body" I want to share you my secret very simple recipe that kills cancer cells, dissolve kidney stones, cleanse your liver, battle with heart disease, asthma, effective remedy against flu, sore throat, headaches, colds and more! Ginger is rich in vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals The spice also improves digestion, improves blood flow, so that oxygen can be more easily delivered to the cells
My recipe also reduces the risk of a stroke My recipe is about an adjusted upgraded ginger tea, you need to drink on an empty stomach I repeat Empty stomach, for example when you wake up The ingredients should NOT, please note NOT be bought in a supermarket but at your ORGANIC STORE You need: Organic honey (Which is a cure to hay fever)
– A quarter teaspoon ginger powder/oil (Raw ginger: 4-6 thin slices) A quarter teaspoon of turmeric Coconut Milk A cup of water Boil the water, add turmeric and ginger and let it boil for 7-10 more minutes Add the coconut milk And if you want to create a nuclear bomb add one drop of Cannabis oil when you serve it When you make this for your mother add the entire bottle of cannabis oil Do this every day and you kill and prevent cancer cells, dissolve kidney stones, cleanse your liver, battle with heart disease, asthma, effective remedy against flu, sore throat, headaches, colds and after a week you feel reborn
Thank me later 😀 Do you have your secret healthy recipe? Drop it in the comment section below I want to read your thoughts in the comment section, join the conversation, your words really counts use the comment section down below At lionsgroundnewscom is the full article available I will include a link in the video description or click the box, top right corner now(if you watch on Youtube)
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