[Leila] What do you call this dessert? Bunet [Leila] Bunette
Bunet We travel to Piedmont, Italy where Maria Carmen teaches us how to make Bunet A common piedmontese baked chocolate & caramel pudding whose key ingredient are amaretti cookies 400 You checked but I need to ensure it from closer Ok! 400 grams of milk, 100 grams of cream, [Anthony] 100 of cream ✔️️ These are classic, dry amaretti cookies (160 g)
When the liquid is warm we add the cookies Crush and mix them in well And let is sit for 5 minutes Meanwhile take two eggs yolks and one full egg, [add 100g of sugar] [beat the eggs] 35 g of Cacao Only zest in the rind A shot of liquor (rum) Ok it's good like this! I'm a chocolate pastry chef 😀 Mix everything together
Mix it really well Coffee is optional (1 shot espresso) Add some caramel inside the baking pan Now we have to add it in basin of water Like This! Cook at 160°C (320 °F) for 40-45 minutes When it's finished, you let it cool And then you flip it 1, 2 , 3! [Leila] Wow look at that! When it's cooked and cooled, there is a thin line with a cappuccino color
Wow! Wow, that's one of my favorite desserts! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!