How to Cleanse the Liver | Natural Detox

Amazing health benefits of olive oil and lemon natural remedies have been proved effective in treatment of anything from headaches to cancer they are completely natural and have no side effects here is an effective home remedy which can effectively treat number of health issues for this we need olive oil and lemon olive oil is abundant in healthy fatty acids which regulates and improves blood flow these fatty acids are beneficial for eliminating LDL cholesterol levels lemon juice lemon juice contains so many vitamins and minerals it is having so many anti-inflammatory properties now start the process take one tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice mix them well have this olive oil and lemon juice on empty stomach in the early morning this combination of olive oil and lemon juice treats constipation promotes digestion and it is rich in antioxidants it eliminates toxins from the body one teaspoon of this mixture on empty stomach can reduce pain caused by orthosis it improves liver and gall bladder function thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos


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