Quesadillas!!! Two delicious recipes by Mommy&Princesses Crafts! The first recipe we're going to share with you are Veggie Quesadillas You can add any veggies of your choice
We used carrots, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers and squash We used jalapenos for spice and olive oil to cook Mexican cheese and tortillas Cut your veggies and place them into a large microwaveable Bowl Then drizzle some olive oil and add some salt and pepper then put it in the microwave for about 30 minutes at intervals of 5 minutes
Next heat up your tortillas one by one After your veggies are cooked, drain away the liquid Add a little more salt and pepper if needed To assemble your quesadilla : Add Mexican cheese on half of the tortilla, On top of that, add your veggies, and on top of that another layer of Mexican cheese Then fold your tortilla in half Do this for the rest of your quesadillas Since it's all cooked, put it in the microwave until the cheese melts
Or you can heat it up on the stove This is how our quesadillas turned out and they were delicious!! Our second easy recipe is black bean quesadillas To make these quesadillas you will need : black beans, Mexican cheese and tortillas Assemble it the same way you did for the veggie video Except; instead of veggies we're adding black beans We're heating this one up on the stove
Add a little oil to your pan then heat up the quesadilla on both sides until the cheese melts These are how our Quesadillas have turned out! Thanks for watching!! We hope you enjoy this video! byeeee!!!