Hi this is Joliane and today I want to show you how I make my Italian herb mix so that I have exactly the right seasonings for all my recipes so it's going to be a very easy recipe, the first ingredient is oregano so I will be using 3/4 cups of oregano so that was 3/4 cups of oregano now I will be using basil so I will be using 1/4 cup of basil and I will use 1/2 cup 1/2 cup of marjoram I just love marjoram, marjoram is very important for this herb mix so I'm going to be using two of those quarter cups and I will also use 1/2 cup of thyme so I've been using these bottles because I buy my herbs in bulk so I like to re-use nice jars so two quarter cups two 1/4 cup of thyme so that's 1/2 cup of thyme and yes we all need more time and finally I will be using rosemary so rosemary is a pretty strong flavor so I'm just going to use 1/4 cup but I won't fill it up because I don't want this to be overpowering but 1/4 cup of rosemary so as you can see I'm using rough measurements
because I'm using rough measurements, because it doesn't have to be exactly exactly and you go by taste you can adjust it to your liking you can definitely adjust this to the way that you like it so if there's an herb you don't like don't put it if you want to add any other herbs you can add them what's also great to add in there is hot chili flakes so you can also add cayenne pepper but if you have kids it's better to use the hot and spicy on the side that way you can use the same herb blend for everybody and then you add the spiciness to specific dishes or to your plate so there we have it all those quarter cups of herbs, now I'm just going to blend it to blend it I'm just going to gently mix it and that's pretty much how easy it is to do very very easy to do now I will just transfer this into a jar so I can store it so it fits perfectly into this small mason jar there you have it, it's a simple Italian herb mix blend and – (Italian herb mix or Italian blend) and I love this, I add it to a lot of my recipes so if you liked this video and if you like this recipe please click the thumbs up and if you have any questions just make sure to comment below and I will answer any questions otherwise I hope that you have an amazing day talk to you soon!