I wonder if they, this can you know, beets headphones? You’re right that’s not aint funny! Did you know that one of the best ways to achieve amazing sleep, you know that type of deep sleep when you wake up in the morning you springboard out of bed you have so much mental clarity? Is all from this one thing, this one you’ve heard me talk about it, I am gonna give you a hint it’s responsible got for 400 biochemical transactions in your body You know what it is? Any guesses? If you guess Magnesium you would be right! But did you also know that 80% of the population is deficient in Magnesium? What does that mean? Well, if you’re deficient in Magnesium there’s a good chance you’re probably deficient in Vitamin D3
Did you know that? The two interrelated things and if you’re deficient in D3 that’s the sunshine drug in your body Regulates your hormones, helps you get that sleep and if you’re deficient in magnesium and D3 probably deficient in calcium It’s like a chain effect right? It throws your whole entire body off So how do we bring your body back into alignment? Well we start with the root cause, we start with magnesium We start incorporating it more on your life so now listen closely because some of these symptoms you may resonate with okay? Some of you may not but some of you may be well, maybe I am magnesium deficient
If you have any muscle spasms you know the, I get a little twitch in my back every once in a while and my eyelids starts twitching and then I know it’s time to get more magnesium Muscle cramps can be another thing If you’re depressed at all, maybe your moods is not stable If you have constipation magnesium can help you go If you have impaired cognitive function, if your brain is not snapping back and forth, if your corporate (Inaudible) or your left-right hemisphere is not firing adequately then you’re probably deficient in magnesium
Because there’s so many different symptoms, the easiest way is to test this and to test it what I like to do is I like adding magnesium rich foods in my diet You got your celery, your Swiss chard, your greens, your kale, your dandelion greens, all of these things are loaded with magnesium so getting it more throughout the day Another thing I do is I add Calm like I said I drink this before bed, one tablespoon, two tablespoons My experience is I might be sleeping on a toilet right? You don’t wanna do that nobody likes to sleep on a toilet So in my sleepy-time juice recipe, I wanted to make it easy for you
I use fennel okay? I have two beets which the nitric oxide and the magnesium are absolutely amazing for you I use the greens, the greens actually have more nutrients than the actual root veggie itself And we got one quarter of a lemon that’s gonna help alkalize our bodies and then also I have, this is a lot of fennel Fennel kind a taste like liquorish a little bit, it’s gonna add unique flavor to it so I’m gonna go with two of this just like this okay? So the whole entire juice recipe is essentially this right here I got the whole world in the palm of my hand just like that, that’s the juice recipe
Hmm, love you Hmm, good stuff I’m gonna put in the juicer today I’m using the Kuving’s slow juicer wide mouth three and a half inch Absolutely amazing! Let’s take it over here Alright my friend, hmm, I love that
If you don’t like beets try beet juice little bit sweeter Really great taste and if you’re having trouble sleeping, know that sleep is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your overall quality of life and your health Sleep is one of our doctors to be checking in with all of the time and looking at making sure we get enough So if we know that magnesium is one of the things that you and I need to fall asleep, don’t shortchange yourself Start to have magnesium every day
Alright so at that time who won the juicer? Remember next week if you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottom of this blog post, leave a comment below about how your life is changed by implementing some of the strategies and tips that we talked about on FitLife TV This week’s juicer winner is August Marrero! August is a teacher and a mother of a sixteen year old and she and her husband can really benefit form a new juicer Thanks to Kuving’s you no longer have to use a blender Use this to share nutritious organic juices with your family and loved ones Congratulations August! I love being your coach, I love making this videos
If there’s anything else I can do for you, leave a comment below this video The FitLife team and I are here to support you We wanna see you healthy, strong, vibrant, so that when you walk into a room everybody’s coming up and asking you what you’re doing in your life to improve your health and you can kindly point them in the direction of some of the videos that we made and some of the information that you’ve acquired in your life And you can show them that’s what this is all about Showing other’s the way
I’m Drew Canole remember as always we’re in this together I’ll see you next week Hmm, I love that juice