Hi I'm Karen for Expert Village now we're going to combine all of our ingredients of our cholent into our crockpot we'll set at a low temperature and we'll cook it over night First the cholent has been cooking for about 1/2 hour you can see the potatoes are part cooked the broth is starting to get a little bit thick
When it slow cooks over night you'll get very very thick and the barley is also part cooked at this point you might want to taste it and check for salt and pepper If you need the salt and pepper you just add it in now and just carefully transfer all of that into your cholent pot and then we'll add the beans the beans are already cooked cause they came from a can, so we're going to add those beans and then stir it up to mix everything together Now we'll put our lid on we'll set the temperature to low and plug that in a spot that is safe and it'll cook over night You can cook this for even 24 hours if you want it to start it in the afternoon you can easily cook it for 24 hours and it will still come out great