Ground Turkey thigh Salt Pepper Oregano Dried mixed herbs Paprika Mild chilli powder Garlic Ketchup Mix together really well with your hands Form into 12 meatballs Freeze for 10 minutes before cooking or refrigerate for 30 minutes Olive oil Fry for 4 minutes Add passata Bubble for 10 minutes Get […]
Hi guys even though, as you can see, I have Christmas decorations up this is not really a Christmas themed video because today I'm making meatballs not very Christmassy, I guess I made them a few days ago, and I posted them on my Insta stories and a few friends […]
boom all words one-shot I'm making dinner and no judgment here hi everybody welcome to health coach TV my name is Alex and today we're going to cook some healthy food that doesn't suck what I am working with today is ground beef mushrooms and fresh herb and that's it […]
Hi I am BensBQ and these are meatballs with ouzo A Greek friend gave me this recipe She said why do not you make meatballs with ouzo But I had never heard of it But I love meatballs and certainly ouzo Cheers Vasiliki Like I said we make meatballs with […]
Hi everyone/Hallo allerseits Welcome to my channel/Willkommen in meinem channel Today/Heute I wonna present you how to make chicken meatballs/Ich möchte Ihnen vorstellen, wie man Hühnerfleischbällchen macht It's not difficult/Es ist nicht schwer It's quite easy/Es ist sehr leicht You can make by yourself/Sie können selbst machen For your party/Für […]
Hello everyone, I'm just standing here having a nice chilled glass of wine Hey everybody I am so excited to be doing this today, this is the first video for Cookingwith Chris, and today I'm going to do a video on low carb meatballs, and the reason I chose to […]
Hello everyone Today I am going to make meatballs in three different ways In Microwave Oven in Baking Oven and In Fry pan Kindly watch this easy meatballs recipes till end I took two slices of brown bread and cut the corners of them Tore into small pieces if chopper […]