Hi! I'm Chef Rafi and Welcome to my show! Today we are cooking Jewish food! Hey, today we are cooking Jewish beef! We are cooking this dish the kosher way Now just follow me to my kitchen
Today we are cooking Yiddish beef brisket This video is for my Yiddish subscribers This video will be filmed in Yiddish Auf Wiedersehen! I'm out of here! These are the ingredients Do you know what part of the cow the brisket comes from? The secret ingredients are ginger and orange juice
Brown sugar will make this sweet and the vinegar will make it sour The beef must be fresh and not marinated I have an expert in Jewish cooking who will help me with this video Who's that? Him: Jackson! The most important part of this video is the catsup squirt gun AKA Revolvie
Let's start cooking! First Im going to brown the meat When we brown the meat we will seal the meat Do you notice how the beef shrunk? Now I'm going to put in the onions and garlic This is a catsup gun Very important Now I'm going to shoot the beef
I'll put in half a cup of apple cider vinegar Ginger will give it a tang Now it's sour but we need it to be sweet Make sure you use the right knife so it's kosher Now I'm going to put in a teeney bit of salt
Cook the beef on very low heat Now put it on low heat and cover it Now it's time for the carrots Time to eat! Bon Appétit! It's so delicious! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel! Bye!