Today we will see how to make pepper chicken The speciality of this recipe is that we are not going to use onion, tomato or water in this preparation and will be ready in 15 to 20 minutes It goes well with idli, dosa, chapati or white rice Let's see how to make it In a pressure cooker add 3 tbsp of gingely oil Once the oil is hot, add 1 star aniseed, 2 cardamom pods, 3 cloves, a cinnamon stick and some fennel seeds Add some curry leaves After adding curry leaves, add 1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste Fry the ginger garlic paste well in the oil Fry till it turns brown and also leaves the vessel you can see the color changing Once the ginger garlic paste is fried well add turmeric powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder and curry masala/garam masala powder and fry it well in the oil let it cook in low flame for 20 seconds Add 2 tsp pepper powder Saute them well for another 20 seconds without letting the masala burn Add washed and cleaned chicken to the masala I have added 1 kg chicken I have taken only leg quarters of chicken you can take whole chicken also Mix the chicken well in the masala Add salt needed once the chicken and masala is mixed well Mix it again well Increase the flame a little bit Chicken while cooking will release good amount of water, so we are not adding any water So chicken will cook in the water released by itself As we are not adding any onion, tomato or water, this chicken preparation stays good for a long time You can take this for travel, it will not get spoiled easily Close the pressure cooker and wait for 1 whistle Do not wait for more whistles, keep just one You can see the water released from the chicken after cooking Keep the flame in medium high and cook the chicken till all the water is absorbed If you allow the chicken to cook for more than 1 whistle, the chicken will shred while dry roasting Do not add water and cook for just 1 whistle water is almost absorbed now chicken will be ready in another 2 minutes Finally add 2 pich of pepper powder over the chicken 2 pinch pepper adding pepper in the last gives a nice flavor and aroma Add chopped coriander leaves and now the chicken is ready This goes well with idli, dosa, chapati etc Also goes well with variety rice, hot rice and rasam Do try this recipe at your home If you like this recipe, share with your friends Like my video And do not forget to subscribe to my channel