Assalamualaikum Welcome to Creative Kitchen Today I am going to show you how to make White Sauce Penne Pasta
If we want to eat Penne Pasta we must go to a restaurant But we can make it at our home very easily Those who are living in abroad like me cannot go to so many restaurant because we have to consider that if that restaurant is Halal or not There is a insufficiency of halal restaurant in abroad So that's why I'm going to show you how to make white sauce penne pasta at your home
We'll cook penne pasta in 3 steps In the first step we'll make white sauce, then we'll boil penne pasta in the second step and at the final step we'll cook penne pasta by using white sauce and penne together Let's see the recipe of the penne pasta We'll take 2 table spoon (30 gm) butter on a fry pan
Tyen melt the butter in low heat The butter is nearly melted down Now we'll add 3 table spoon (45 mg) of flour to it Then we'll mix them together We'll do it in low heat to prevent burning
With continuous stirring we'll keep mixing until they mix well The butter and flour seem like mixed well Now we'll add 2 cup (500 ml) of lukewarm milk to the pan and mix slowly Now we're pouring all of it The sauce is still looking thin
It will be thick when it is boiled We must not raise the heat much Because high heat will burn the sauce And we should stir the sauce until boiling to prevent the burning It starts to boil
So we'll turn off the heat and remove the pan from stove The sauce will get thicker when it will cool We should stop heating before it is cooled Now we'll boil 1 cup or 100 gm of penne in boiling water This penne will take 3 minutes to be boiled
You should follow the label claimed time of your penne pack for boiling After 3 minutes we'll filter the penne from hot water In this step we'll make penne pasta At first we'll take 2 table spoon olive oil on the pan before start heating Then we'll add 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic and turn the stove on
We'll fry the garlic in medium heat Then we'll add half cup of cubed onion Then we'll add 2 pieces chicken sausage (Sliced) Now we'll add 4 table spoon milk, half cup white sauce, 1 piece chicken cube, half teaspoon white pepper, half teaspoon salt and mix them well When mixing is done we'll add our boiled penne to the pan
Our penne is mixed well Now we'll bake the pasta For baking we'll take our penne on a bowl Now we'll spread cheese on the pasta You can use cheese to this dish as much as you like
Now we'll bake our white penne in oven at 250 deg C for 15 minutes If it needs more then we'll bake again for a while Now let's bake our pasta (After baking) Our white sauce penne pasta is reday now It is also very easy to cook
It will take less time if white sauce is prepared Children will definitely love it as there is no spice or chilly in the recipe You can also try it at your home If you have any question, please let us know Stay healthy
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