Namaste! Welcome to Ruchkar Mejwani with Archana Two things that are easily available at our house are rice and tomatoes
That’s why I am going to show you ‘Tomato Rice’ First of all we are taking 3 tbsp oil in a pan Allow the oil to heat nicely The oil is hot add 1 tsp cumin seeds to it I have taken about 12 inch ginger
I have sliced it lengthwise Curry leaves 10-12 leaves I have taken 4-5 green chilies Have cut them lengthwise as well Now, we will add 2 onions cut lengthwise
And 2 tomatoes cut lengthwise Some coriander leaves Salt as per taste Now, let’s mix everything Let the tomatoes and onion to turn soft
Till then keep stirring it Onion and tomatoes have turn soft Now, let’s reduce the flame now I have already cooked rice, we will add that I have taken kolam rice
You can take basmati instead This is 14th kg rice Let’s add coriander in it Let’s give it a mix Mix it nicely
So that, the color of the tomato mixes in it And should release in it This rice has a mild flavor Allow the steam to occur So, wait for 5 mins
5 mins have passed Let’s check whether the steam has come A nice steam has come Let’s remove the rice I am going to make a rose using tomatoes
And will keep it on it Now, let’s keep curry leaves to make them look like rose leaves ‘Tomato rice’ is ready This rice is extremely easy If you are bored to eat the regular dal-rice then try this new recipe
So, surely try and let me know For such delicious recipes like, share and subscribe to Ruchkar Mejwani